Featured Products

Masking Today - Meltdown Tomorrow


The Upside of Autism


Talk to to the hEARS


Proudly Quirky

Proudly Quirky designs and sells unique T-shirts, hoodies and tote bags exploring the quirky world of autistics, ADHD, Giftedness, Dyslexics & Hyper Sensitive People. Our aim is to use fashion design to teach NT’s about the superpowers and challenges our ND community faces to help navigate the world around use. These T-Shirts are meant to spark a meaningful conversation on important issues around how we think, communicate and socialize. We also tackle more difficult topics like sensory overloads, education & employment and miscommunications. We are proudly quirky, we encourage all NDs to be proudly quickly by creating conversational pieces!

All of our designs are digitally printed to order on high quality fabrics using soft colours. How we produce our products allows you to pick your designs, product, colour and size for maximum flexibility.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!